
50 E-Commerce Stats You Need to Know

  • Written by Richard Protheroe
50 E-Commerce Stats You Need to Know

In 2015 global ecommerce sales hit $1.7 trillion. In 2016 that looks to be much closer to $2 trillion. With a plethora of marketplaces for consumers to shop on and for sellers to list their products, this figure only looks to increase year on year. Therefore we've compile the top 50 e-commerce stats you need to know. Covering important topics like mobile, email marketing, carts and shipping. Hopefully some of these should shock you and perhaps will make you rethink a few methods, that could potentially impact your business for the better.

General E-Commerce

Only 28% of U.S. small businesses are selling their products online Selz 71% of shoppers believe they will get a better deal online than in stores Ecommerce Lift The top 1% of e-commerce sites generate 34% of total e-commerce revenue RJ Metrics Generation Z (18-24) spends the highest percentage (9%) of their income online Business Insider A third of all UK online shopping happens after 6pm IMRG In 2015 the UK e-commerce industry increased by 11% to €157 billion Ecommerce News A 1 second delay in site loading time will lead to a 7% loss in conversion Hosting Facts 92% of shoppers will look for discounts online to find the best bargain Parago 4.48% is the conversion rate from AOL, higher than any other referer Smart Insights

Carts & Platforms

44% of all online shoppers go directly to Amazon Marketing Land Omnichannel Shoppers spend 3.5X more than other shopper types Retail Next 60% of Amazon Sellers are starting their own website in 2016 Web Retailer Two thirds of customers have made a purchase in the last 6 months that involved multiple channels Retail Next 4x as many sellers reach 1 million sales on Amazon versus eBay Web Retailer Shopify’s Gross Merchandise Volume for 2015 was $7.7 billion, a 105% increase from 2014 Shopify WooCommerce powers over 37% of all online stores WooThemes The average amount an Amazon Prime spends a year is $1500 a year Business Insider


88% of Millennials open emails via mobile Adobe 85% of all purchases on marketplace Wanelo is made by mobile Veeqo 70% of online transactions occur on a mobile device SnapRetail 174 million of U.S. consumers (72%) now own smartphones Internet Retailer 61% of Shopify traffic comes from mobile Business Wire Mobile spending increased 63% in 2015 from 2014 Xanthos

Shipping & Fulfillment

82% of people would complete a purchase if they could return the goods for free ComScore #1 reason in-store shoppers don’t buy online is because of poor returns process Entrepreneur $1.1 trillion is lost every year by retailers due to poor inventory management Computer World 88% of consumers would be willing to shop with you if the option of free delivery was offered. 66% of all shopping carts are abandoned and the biggest reason for doing so is ‘unexpected costs’ Shopify 28% of shoppers will abandon their shopping cart if presented with unexpected shipping costs Kissmetrics Orders with free shipping average 30% higher in value Bargain Fox

Social Media

Pinterest has over 100 million users. 85% of these are female Expanded Ramblings 40% of 18- to 34-year-olds are likely to use social networks for gift ideas Social Times 46% of all U.S Millennials that have an Instagram account eMarketer 85% of orders from social media sites come from Facebook AdWeek You are 6x more likely to get a click through from an email than from a tweet Campaign Monitor 90% of Instagram users are younger than 35 Science Daily 77% of Twitter users feel more positive about a brand when their Tweet has been replied to Twitter 30% of U.S Millennials that access Snapchat regularly eMarketer

Customer Service

90% of customers say their buying decisions are influenced by online video reviews Forbes 31% of customers would be more likely to buy after a live chat BoldChat On average loyal customers are worth up to 10 times as much as their first purchase Help Scout 91% of unhappy customers will not willingly do business with you again Customer Service Manager 27% of people read reviews on their smartphone when in store Bargain Fox Customer purchases increase by 45% when forced registration is removed from the checkout page Sail Thru

Email Marketing

Adding a video to your email can increase click throughs by 300% Salesforce Personalised subject lines boost open rates by almost 30% Marketing Sherpa 98% of Millennials regularly check emails at work Adobe Email marketing has an average ROI of 3800 DMA Email marketing works 40x better in converting than Facebook and Twitter Entrepreneur 95% of people who sign up for emails consider them useful Salesforce 71% of mobile purchases are influenced by email Receiptful

About the author


Written by Richard Protheroe

Richard is a Content Specialist at Veeqo. He loves writing about ways for ecommerce retailers to increase their sales with marketing tips, advice on website optimisation and social media best practices.

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