Ecommerce Growth

How Amazon Repricing Works (And How Long It Takes)

  • Written by Duncan La Barre
How Amazon Repricing Works (And How Long It Takes)

Most sellers will start out selling on Amazon manually repricing a small number of SKUs. As they grow, they'll turn to Amazon repricing software such as RepricerExpress. Repricing software is awesome, as it allows Amazon sellers to automatically compare their product prices to competitors’ and adjust them accordingly. However, some confusion exists around how exactly Amazon repricing works and how long it takes. To help, our friends at RepricerExpress have produced this handy infographic. The seven steps to Amazon Repricing with Repricer 1. A Price Changes on Amazon The process begins when one of the top twenty sellers on amazon changes a key condition. 2. Amazon sends the infomation to RepricerExpress 3. The date is processed and a new price calculated 4. Safety checks are performed This makes sure the new price is within your current asigned ranges 5. The new price is uploaded onto Amazon 6. Amazon's pricing error system checks the new price 7. The new price is live. Repricing manually is suitable for small sellers but the most effective pricing method is automated. You’ll also save time that you can spend on other areas of your business or just relaxing. Amazon sellers using RepricerExpress can set up customised pricing rules that reflect their business goals. RepricerExpress, Amazon and eBay repricing software, offers a FREE 15-day trial to allow sellers to try out the software. No credit required. If you are interested in software that makes multichannel ecommerce easier, then you should probably look into our inventory management solution. Related: Winning the Buy Box with Automated Repricing Software

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