
How to Increase Sales With Product Based SEO

  • Written by Jodie Pride
How to Increase Sales With Product Based SEO

Did you know you can use SEO tactics to increase your product sales? Well, a lot of retailers don’t. They fail to recognize the power of product descriptions when it comes to uploading their inventory, especially when they upload their products in bulk. Writing standard descriptions for your products is easy. It’s comfortable. But it’s not powerful. You need to write impactful descriptions that increase traffic, encourage browsers and turn them into buyers.

Unique and valuable descriptions

Unique pages rank highly in search engines, so it’s best to make sure your product descriptions have unique, relevant content. Don’t just copy and paste the product description from the manufacturer. Create your own unique product descriptions and encourage customers to post their reviews to boost your uniqueness.

Use your keywords

You’re probably sick of hearing the term “keywords” when it comes to SEO, but using them within your product descriptions is a powerful way of increasing traffic and sales.

First you need to identify those keywords. Use Google Keyword Tool to find the most popular search terms related to your items. Take those words and scatter them throughout your product descriptions – but make sure they are used in the right context. You can’t just have random words splattered around or you’ll run the risk of looking like a scammer. And you don’t want that.

If you’re using Amazon, or have an Amazon integration, you can try Keyword Tool Dominator to identify long tail keywords.

Answer questions

If you’re struggling to think of keywords to use, just think about what questions people searching for your products will ask.

How big is it?

What colour is it?

How can you use it?

What are the key features and details?

Why is it better than competitors products?

How much is it?

Don’t leave them with questions unanswered, or potential buyers are likely to look elsewhere. To retailers who take the time to address all their questions.

Product reviews

As mentioned earlier, product reviews help make your pages more unique, and thus boost your search engine ranking. But they’re also great for engaging with your customers and offering more information and reassuring potential customers that your products are good quality.

Reviews are valuable endorsements that give potential customers the confidence that a seller is legitimate and that the product they’re looking at will meet their expectations.

Include a CTA

A call to action can be the deal sealer when it comes to online shopping.

Sometimes browsers need a push of encouragement to turn them into buyers.

Create a sense of urgency to give them a little help in the decision making process.

Use lines like these to instill the fear that if they don’t buy it now, they might miss their chance:

  • Sale ends today

  • Subscribe to our newsletter to get 20% off this purchase

  • Limited stock

  • Only 10 left!

Use keyword friendly URLs

Using keyword friendly URLs has two benefits: firstly, the URL you use for each product page should contain the keywords you’re targeting. This will help them rank higher in search engines.

Secondly, “speaking URL’s” (i.e. “red-shoes” as opposed to “product-4453”), they communicate better with the reader. The reader can see that the page they are visiting is connected to what they are searching for. Speaking URL’s make it easier for readers to know what the product is just by looking at the URL.

Optimize your images

Product images are an integral part of the online buying decision. They provide the most accurate representation of the product in question: no matter how well you describe a product, it’s just really not going to measure up to an image. Make sure images are high resolution with the ability to zoom in on the finer details, so viewers can get a feel for the product.

Name your product images appropriately and with relevant keywords. You should also include ALT tags which feature your relevant keywords to help your products rank higher in searches – but don’t stuff them with keywords: make sure you stick to the relevant ones because Google counts this as spamming.

Keywords are incredibly powerful for search engine optimization and for making your products more visible; just make sure you use them correctly, and you could significantly increase your traffic and sales.

About the author


Written by Jodie Pride

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