Veeqo News

Meet our Head of Shipping and Tech Mastermind, Jimmy Kwok

  • Written by Chloe Hardman
Meet our Head of Shipping and Tech Mastermind, Jimmy Kwok

Almost two years ago, Veeqo acquired ParcelBright, which enabled our customers to not only save time, but also save money when shipping their orders. Alongside this came a character with bags of personality and a mind full of knowledge, ParcelBright COO, Jimmy Kwok. Since the acquisition, Jimmy has become a huge part of the Veeqo team - so we thought it was about time we got to know him a little better. Your first challenge, tell me your life story in under 100 words Well, my name is Jimmy (obviously) and I'm the Head of Shipping at Veeqo. I came to the UK around 14 years ago to study and graduated with a degree in Financial Management from the University of Surrey. My passion has always been with technology though - so I jumped at the chance at being an intern for ParcelBright. After just a short amount of time, I was promoted to Operations Manager and eventually COO of the company. What does a typical day at Veeqo involve for you? I juggle a lot of different tasks on a daily basis. I spend a lot of hours on customer support, claims management and invoice reconciliation whilst working as a project manager with a team of developers in Russia to develop new features and implement bug fixes. What made you want to come and work for Veeqo? The flexibility and my opinions always being valued. The team is very friendly and helpful and I truly believe we are on track to become one of the most successful companies in the ecommerce software industry. Tell us something interesting about you As well as working for Veeqo, I am also an eBay/Amazon seller (I actually use the Veeqo software for my own products!). I'm also a regular Redditor and a fellow member of the Product Hunt community (Meow!). Did I mention that I used to run a web hosting company as well? Yeah, that was cool and definitely a highlight of my teenage time! What a baller! So does this mean you like to splash the cash? Quite the opposite actually. Money saving (AKA bargain finding) is one of my favourite hobbies. You'll quite often see me posting on places like Hot UK Deals about random, useless (but good!) bargain items. Who is your celebrity role model? I can't give you one answer, so I'm going to give you three...

1) Crowd Lu

Image credit: Leleohead

He is a Taiwanese singer with an inspiring story behind him. When he was at university, he was run over by a truck, survived and self taught himself guitar in the hospital whilst both legs dangled in the air. He's the kind of person who insists on having breakfast every morning and is in bed by 10pm. I think his music really reflects his personality - a pure mind who views the world differently to most.

2) Khalil Fong

This guy is AWESOME. He's a Hong-Kong based American singer-songwriter and producer - give him a listen!

3) Keira Knightley

Image credit: Telegraph (Andrew Schwartz)

I couldn't believe my eyes (and ears) when I watched the movie "Begin Again". Breathtaking. What's on Jimmy's TV? Nine times out of 10, it'll be the Simpsons. I've been binge watching it a lot lately. Started from the very first episode... and I'm now on Season 19 (out of 29). PC, Linux, or Mac? I wish I was a Mac guy but I really like playing games on PC, so it's PC for me (for now!) And finally, what's the one piece of life advice you would give? "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Lovely. Thanks Jimmy! Why not follow Jimmy on instagram?

A post shared by Jimmy (@jimbb) on Jun 1, 2017 at 4:56pm PDT

About the author

Written by Chloe Hardman

Northerner living it large in Swansea. Passionate about all things Veeqo.

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