
Mistakes to Avoid When Processing Orders on Amazon & eBay

  • Written by Jodie Pride
Mistakes to Avoid When Processing Orders on Amazon & eBay

Let’s face it: making mistakes can be easier than we’d like to admit when selling on Amazon and eBay. Order processing can be time consuming and lengthy, so it’s easy to slip up now and then, but we don’t want that (and neither do our customers), so here’s a few of the most common mistakes made when processing orders and how to avoid making them.

Items not displayed as out of stock 

If you sell on both Amazon and eBay, you might find that items are often out of stock before you’ve realised, meaning that people will go ahead and order, thinking the goods are ready to be shipped to them, when that is not actually the case. This is a great way to annoy a customer before they really are a customer - in fact, they might be so irritated that the won’t want to order from you when the item is back in stock. It’s not a good first impression. 

Consider using an inventory management software to constantly check stock and update it in real time and set reorder levels so you don’t have to do this manually. It vastly reduces the risk of human error and will also reduce the risk of your customers ordering stock that’s not there. Online inventory management software will have a purchase order software built in, so you can ensure that your supplies are correctly managed. 

Late shipping 

Amazon and eBay customers (Amazon more so) are used to fast, reliable shipping, mostly due to ordering items fulfilled by Amazon, so you need to either match this service by providing speedy delivery, or be honest with your shipping dates and consider realistically what shipping speed and price your store can manage. Yes, offering customers high quality service is the best way to win them over, but it’s no good promising delivery within 2 days when it’s more likely going to take 4; all you’re going to accomplish by stating an unrealistic shipping time is aggravated customers who won’t buy from you again. 

You could try using an order management software to help automate a lot the shipping process, which will speed thing up, or if you’re selling on Amazon, you could review Amazon’s fulfilment service (FBA) to assist with shipping and making things run more smoothly. Remember to consider the cost of shipping to Amazon, returns and related variables. 

Marketing materials 

It can be tempting, but don’t add marketing materials into the packaging along with your items. Not only will you be violating Amazon’s policies, but you’re also likely to confuse and annoy customers by mixing your branding in with Amazon’s - most people probably won’t know they’re buying from you and will automatically assume they’re buying directly from Amazon. 

Getting heated with customers 

Bad news - customers can sometimes be demanding and argumentative. But that’s just a fact of life, and you’re going to have to grin and bear it, maintaining a calm and collected - and above all, professional - demeanor. As an ecommerce merchant, you’re almost guaranteed to come across at least one overly needy or irate person, but it’s important that you don’t react in a similar manner, no matter how rude they are. Do your best to mitigate any issues or disagreements with your customers on eBay and Amazon.

Mis-picking in warehouses 

Mis-picks are a signifigant and costly customer service issue, with each mis-pick resulting in a retailer not delivering the products needed to satisfy its customers, and each one has to be sent back at your expense. Warehouse mis-picks and quantity mistakes are due to human error. You should implement  a set schedule for picking and packing that’s universally recognized so all employees knows it, and be sure to train new employees to use it . 

Use a barcode scanner in conjunction with stock control software to help with this to increase accuracy when picking and packing, enhance order fulfillment and reduce quantity errors associated with human slip-ups. However, remember that using a barcode scanner alone is not enough and that integrating an eBay and Amazon inventory management system will help in increasing accuracy. 

Need a cloud based inventory management software? Try Veeqo.

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Written by Jodie Pride

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